The block party was a lot of fun as always.  The band was very good.   They are called Midnight Tea, their parents live two doors down from us.  As promised here are a few pictures from the party today.   I love that we can now get still pics from our video camera.  

Midnight Tea!  So our block party had live music this year very cool!  Unfortunately they could only play for 2 hours. 

Then there were the games.   We played the water balloon game, had gunney sack races and just played!

As always the trampoline was a BIG hit with EVERYONE.  Even a few adult neighbors. 

We have the local fire department come every year for the little ones to see the truck up close.  Yep, that is me in front of the truch in the bib overalls talking to Alex holding his baby. 

And of course there is the food.  All grills were a going.   Paul helped with the grilling.  It takes a lot of grills, food and help to keep this show on the road!   But it is so worth it!  Oh yeah, and don’t forget the kegs of beer!

It is a wonderful party, and lucky for me it is right outside my front door.  That made it easy to lay Tommy down for his nap, etc.   it is also very good for our neighborhood.  I know almost everyone on my street by name, how great is that these days.  We have the older and younger families all come together and enjoy a lovely day together!

I am sure Paul and I will assist with some planning and setting up this party again next year.  It really wasn’t that much work at all.

Well until next year…………………

0 thoughts on “

  1. …looks funly (just made that word up, but fits). I’d be on the trampoline too! The corn is mouth watering. Nice pics, thx for sharing.   MuSe

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