Looks like I forgot to write to you all on Friday was fine. Erik had sprained his ankle so he was layed up on the couch all day. I decided to work from home. I actually got a lot done. I completed all my time reporting and updated my calendar and even got my mileage done. I still have one ISP to update yet this weekend, but that is it.
Friday evening I spent cleaning up from the party last night. pop cans 1/2 full all over the place. The floors need to be scrubbed since there were spills everywhere, etc.
Saturday I slept in, I didn’t get up until almost 9:00. I have not slept in that long in a while. Tommy even slept in as well. When I got up we did a bit of cleaning. I am doing the Flylady Detailed cleaning. I got the front entryway cleaned very well. I am contemplating painting the paneling in there, but not sure yet. I washed the walls and floors, etc. I took the chandler apart and cleaned all the panes. I hope to finish up the major cleaning in the dining room tonight after Tommy finally decides to go to bed.
I also need to take some time and write a few more emails. I have gotten terrible about keeping in touch with friends, etc. I have about 7 emails I need to write. I also typed up my responses to the questions for my book discussion last night only to have Yahoo eat them! I am a bit unhappy with Yahoo lately!
Well the big boy is wanting to shot off the last of the fireworks. I suppose I should go supervise.