Tommy continues to be cranky…….I just layed him down in his crib, so hopefully he will sleep at least for a few hours.  I feel like a truck has run over me.  ARGH!!  I am very tired and tried to nap today when Tommy did, but I couldn’t ever fall asleep.   Well since Tommy is quiet I better run and try to get some sleep.

Tomorrow we are having a party and have famiy over for the 4th.   I don’t know what i was thinking…………LOL!!  Oh well all the more people to hold the baby!!!   Paul and I will be thankful for that, we are a bit worn out by this bout of sceaming lately.  

one thing that makes Tommy happy is for me to sing, I think I have sang Itsy Bitsy Spider a hundred times it the last few days.   LOL!!

I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!  NIGHT!

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