Well my baby is home from Camp………Josh got home on Friday night and then this morning his dad came to pick him up for the weekend. I miss him again…………
Well I made it to the library this morning and then home to watch Nick and Kristi for Bonnie. She is taking care of them while their parents took the older girl to a dance competition in Las Vegas. The younger two always miss out on everything. Oh well………
They were both very good today. I had put the wading pool out early in the morning so by after Tommy’s nap time it was nice and warm. Tommy was a bit crabby, but enjoyed the water for a bit.
Tommy and Kristi both needed to go down for naps after swimming.
Once Bonnie came to get the kids, we went to Sam’s club. I found some good deals on fruit. So I have some blueberries, cherries, avocados and pears to make for Tommy. I can’t believe he has eaten all the avocados and pears I have made. He really likes those.
Tommy ate his chicken tonight. I mixed it in with some yams and he ate it up. I pick up a book at the library called “first meals” so I will see what combos they recommend. Tommy actually ate (or mushed) a fig newton cookie today. He sorta liked it…..he still prefers the snack toast.
I did get some cleaning done around the house today. I made some room in Tommy’s playroom for the ball pit. ARGH….so at least isn’t in the middle of our living room. I did about 4 or 5 loads of laundry. I am a bit behind in that area. I also spent 15 minutes in my bedroom cleaning up a bit. I have about 15 more minutes to do again tomorrow. Also a good amount of laundry to do tomorrow.
Well I am off to bed to look at my new books……………night! Have a great rest of your weekend! I think I will be making some baby food tomorrow!