Morning……..I have a couple of minutes before I have to leave here.   We planned out vacation a bit, so I sort of have the dates down.  So we will be making reservations at hotels in the next few days and get everything all set.   I hope we don’t have too much planned, since I really like to relax as well.  The boys love to swim and stuff at the hotel too. Our vacation as a kid, I remember constantly hurry up and being on the move.  I HATE to travel like that and I won’t.   We take a very leisurely time, sleep in as late as we want, etc.   It is an vacation for Pete’s sake!

Last night was pretty normal, not much going on.   Tommy is saying three things, DA-DA, MA-MA and Bob…LOL!!  I have no idea who Bob is….he just likes to say it.  It is so fun watching him grow up.  Nothing else too exciting.  Well I am off to work.  Later……….isn’t the weekend here yet????????  PLEASE……………………………..It is actually suppose to be nice this weekend so maybe we will go to the beach with Tommy he enjoys the water a lot.

I think I am going to try to figure out how to make him some meat baby food, like chicken breast………….that might be my project for the weekend……..and cantaloupe too!

2 thoughts on “

  1. Awww, those first words are so sweet. 

    When Kimbo was little, I started her on chicken first.  I baked the breasts and then put it in the blender with a little bit of milk.  She LOVED it.  Now cantalope, she spewed that across the room.  LOL!!!

  2. Awww, those first words are so sweet. 

    When Kimbo was little, I started her on chicken first.  I baked the breasts and then put it in the blender with a little bit of milk.  She LOVED it.  Now cantalope, she spewed that across the room.  LOL!!!

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