Argh…what a day. Sometimes i feel bad being the one at work all day. My hubby has been so frustrated lately with the demands of the baby and Erik lately. Erik needs constant supervision and is always doing something he shouldn’t. Not sure that will ever end.
Tommy…my sweet baby is very demanding of late. He wants you in the same room with him and paying attention to him or he screams. So needless to say there are times like when you are making supper, etc, he needs to just scream. Hubby is having trouble with this and really needs to be done with him in the evening.
Tonight Tommy did clap his hands for the first time…………very cute! He was pretty crabby most of the night, but he is cutting his 5th tooth. It is almost through.
Been a long day and I am heading to bed to read and collapse. Hope everyone had a lovely Tuesday!
BTW – my best friend jsut had her baby last night. Emma Lee….6 pounds 9 oz. …..born 12 days early. I can’t wait to go see her and help my friend out around her house.