
It is one o’clock on a Saturday and I have accomplished a number of things.   I took Josh to cash some checks at the bank and then we went to the mall and he bought his new glasses.  He is 165.00 less rich……………….LOL!!   But hopefully a lesson may be learned. 

Weird how that works….if it impacts Josh he will learn from it, if not you can lecture and talk till your blue in the face.  Doesn’t really matter.   We just got his final report card for the year and it is the worst grades ever he has gotten.  So I am not allowing to stay at Grandma’s and Grandpas for two weeks this summer.  We are going to viist them as a family so it is not like he won’t have time with them.   Of course my mother disagrees, what to do…………….I believe I am right…

Well I am off to pick up some book from the library and then check out a baby park in N. St Paul.  Later!

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