It is FINALLY summer in Minnesota. It feels like it will never come sometimes. My stepson, Erik moved in on the 7th for the summer. So I had been getting his room ready and finding all his summer clothes, etc. I still had them packed away for the winter.
Our weeks are so busy. Paul continues to have school Tuesday and Thursday evening, so I have been trying to plan activities with the boys those nights. Tonight, (it is Thursday isn’t it??) we are going to the beach for an hour or so after supper. Tomorrow Erik and Josh both go to our ex’s for the weekend. So we are enjoying the weekend with Tommy checking out the Silver Lake Baby Park on Saturday and then going to the MN Children’s Museum on Sunday. I just found out that the third Sunday of the month is free at the museum so we might be making this a month outing. They supposedly have a baby area that is very cozy. I will let you know how Tommy likes it!
As for Tommy he is sitting very well, but occasional will topple over so we always sit by him. He has two more teeth that have broke through the gums now for a total of 4 teeth out! He still has one incisor that is swollen. He has finally figured out that Zwieback Toast is food! and will gnaw on it as well as the bagels. I am sure enjoying raising a little one again. He has discovered a new favorite pastime, to twist his tongue. He does it at me all the time and wants me to do it back like Daddy does, but I can’t do it! The goof! He also loves to have us or one of his brother build a tower out of blocks so he can knock it down. Erik gets a bit upset because he can’t build as fast as Tommy destroys.
Josh is excited about camp and wants to go buy his glasses before he spends all the money he has saved for them. I think we will do that on Friday sometime if I can get off of work early.
Erik is adjusting well to being at our house and our rules. He helped us make our home school store (has mt dew, candy, chips all the junk I don’t buy for them usually) and actually asked to do homework this week. We officially start next week with both older boys working about an hour a day on skills they need. Erik is working on understanding time concepts, like elapsed time , etc…including what a calendar is. It is hard to imagine he hasn’t pick this up at school yet, since he is going into the 4th grade. He didn’t know a day from a date, of a week vs. month. I am writing everything we have planned on our family calendar and he is learning to look ahead to what we are doing vs. asking us every single day, what we doing today. We are also working on the multiplication facts. I found a nice website called that had some nice worksheet on time, etc.
well my lunch is over I better head to work!!!
Tasks to complete tonight:
Take boys to beach
Put laundry away
Give Tommy a bath
Get Tommy’s weekly developmental activity ready
Do some Filing.
Well you sure sound busy!! I hope the homeschooling goes well. Glad Erik (and you) are adjusting well to his being there. Sounds like you have a full summer ahead of you. Try to enjoy it!