Life is still insanely busy around here. I have fought the laundry room and WON!! So we are getting most things caught up around the house. I am a bit compulsive so having things out of order drives me nuts. I get very crabby.
Yes, CupOJava…I have been really crabby too! What is up with that?? I think mine was because I was so busy with work and home and my hubby seemed to have a lot of free time on his hands, enjoying life. How dare he!!
Anyway….Tommy update………He is sitting all by himself for extended periods of time. Like an hours if he is playing toys. I still either sit behind him or have a pillow in case he falls, but he is doing really well.
He seems to be over his ear infections and sleeping through the night again. HALLELUJAH!! He was suppose to take his medicine for 10 days, but I think we will only get about 8 days out of it as he loves to spit it out! Naughty little one. He goes to the Dr next week for a recheck of his ears.
He continues to sign milk appropriately. It still amazes me, and has really motivated me to add more signing to our day. I was only doing milk and doing that half-hearted at that. Now I sign other things as well, jumping (for his Johnny jump up), bath, father, mother, eat, drink, bath, book and more. That is about it….but we are doing a few more, not very consistently, except for eat and drink I do regularly. I use the drink sign for anything that is in his sippy cup, juice or water.
Tommy has started daycare. He goes 4 hours 2 days a week to my SIL’s lic. daycare. Paul has daytime classes those days.
ERIK – Update. Erik is done with school tomorrow and will be moving in with us for the summer. His mother is taking him to ValleyFair on Friday then will drop him off for the summer. So we are busy getting things ready for him. I still have to go down and clean up his room a bit. I did manage to get most of his summer clothes out and in his drawers. We also are working on getting the store for summer home schooling set up and curriculum for him to work on. We home school our sons one hour a day throughout the summer. For Erik we do this instead of the publis school’s summer school. I have not been very impressed with the districts offerings for summer school. Erik needs way more one on one to gain anything. He continues to finish at the very bottom on his class every year. IT is sad, since now kids are starting to call him “stupid” and he tells me about it. It is making him hate school. I wish his bio mother would do more during the school year to help him to keep up with the other kids.
JOSHUA – UPDATE. He is very anxious to be done with school. He is busy reading the Left Behind series and I think he will continue reading those this summer. He missed the bus yesterday, just a sign that school is nearing the end. He said last night that he wished the teachers would just end school, since they don’t have lesson plans really for the last few days, he says the activities are dumb. but then that is just his opinion. Friday his school is going to Valley Fair. I just found out that I have to sign him up for summer camp for confirmation this year. I thought he only had to go one year, but I guess he has to do two years.
He is also learning a valuable lesson in responsibility. I bought him two pairs of eye glasses when on maternity leave, must of been in November I think. He lost one pair and broke the other. So he is needing to use his own money to purchase new glasses. He is really shopping around and bringing me coupons. So I think I will take him next week to get his glasses.
ME UPDATE – I am just busy. I try to spend an hour ever evening with Tommy just playing or reading. Then after he is bed I try to quick get stuff done around here. My asthma is acting up, I just got done with a round of predisone, but am starting to have trouble breathing again. ARGH…so might need to get into the Dr again. My book group os reading “sometimes I dream in Italian”, but I haven’t started it yet. Work, Kids and home are keeping me forever busy, tired and oh Yeah…..CRANKY. LOL!!!
I have done a few more auctions on Ebay. I made about $40.00 on my last two auctions, so that is interesting. I used some of my profits and bought Tommy BEE SMART BABY Vocabulary builder Volume 1, since it is set to Mozart and he LOVES his Baby Mozart movie.
Well time for me to get to work……………Later!! Hope to chat more at you this weekend. I really really need to get around and visit all the other sites.