YEAH!!!!!!  Tommy is better and sleeping through the night again!  He slept great last night, here is hoping the same happens tonight.  I woke up this morning to rush in to make sure he was ok.  He was fine….just catching up on his ZZZZZZ as well. 

Then we went out to garage sales with Daddy for a bit.  Usual Thursday stuff to do.  I did find one sale where I bought a bunch of clothes size 2t for Tommy.   They had all name brand stuff, Hilfiger, Old Navy and Gymboree.  I think I have most of his clothes for this coming winter all bought. 

This afternoon my parents came to go to Josh’s concert at school.  That was nice.   Josh did a nice job.   Tommy did fine at the concert.  Then we came home and played a bit and both boys are sleeping now. 

I had a very nice surprise in my inbox this evening.   A very nice letter from Josh’s math teacher about his abilities in math and computers.  She gave him a hard equation today, different than the other children and he figured it out.   She was very impressed.  He is really getting into algebra, sad to say he has passed me up.  I don’t remember a lick a algebra.   Josh is very unmotivated, but very intelligent.  It has always been so difficult to manage.  If he does an assignment he gets an A, otherwise he gets an F since he either forgets to do the assignment, or doesn’t hand it in or whatever.  I printed out the email and put it on the kitchen table for Josh to read…………….he will like that, usually I am print out ones from the teacher saying he didn’t do something. 

Well I am off to see how Tommy is doing, while I was writing this he woke up screaming………;-(

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