
It feels like I have fallen off the face of the earth!  I have a ton of entries to read!  I can’t believe you guys let your lives continue without me……LOL!! 

The garage sale went ok.  I got rid of some stuff and made around $200.00.   I did take a few of the things and am selling them on Ebay.  I have already got a bid on each auction so I will be selling those for sure.  I hope to get one more auction up again tomorrow.  And yes, of course I did by a few Tommy Hilfiger outfits for Tommy.   It is too cute to have little shirts that say Tommy when his name IS Tommy. 

It was great having my mother with us for a week.  It was so nice for her to spend time with Tommy.  I want him to know his grandparents.  Speaking of Tommy he is doing well.   He is growing like a weed and loves to eat and jump!     Hubby bought him a Johnny Jump up thing at a garage sale the other day.  That has been the hit of the century.  He just laughs out loud and jumps, jumps, and jumps.   Last night he had a rough night.  I think it was a combination of constipation and teething.  He cried in the evening and night, which is very rare.   he seems to be better tonight and is sleeping now fine.   Tommy he has a couple of new tricks.  He can now get his socks off in a blink of an eye and take Daddy’s glasses right off his face just as fast.   He is also getting really good at sitting up!  

I am using this weekend to catch up on a few things around the house.  We had been so busy getting ready for the garage sale that things went undone.   I made some babyfood today, apricots and asparagus.  I also grounded some brown rice and millet to make the super baby porridge.  Tommy isn’t too sure about that. 

What I’m Reading………………………….

Well I started a different book, sorry to say I gave up on Grange House, the book selection for my BookMoms group.  My attention just isn’t what it used to be.   I am now reading When the Elephants Dance by Tess Uriza Holthe.  It is pretty interesting the little I have read so far.  The novel takes place during the waning days of World War II when the Japanese and the Americans engaged in a battle over the possession of Philippine Islands. 

I am also listening to Larry’s Party by Carol Shields while driving to work.  It is ok…….not too far into it yet. 

Let’s see I have finished reading “Expecting Adam“.  That was enjoyable and an easy read, just what I need lately. 

I actually bought a book, which is rare for me.  I am too cheap, always use the library now.  I decided I wanted to read the “Reading with Ripa” Bookclub selection from Regis and Kelly.  It is suppose to be fun, light frivolous reading……..just want I can handle.  The book is If Looks Could Kill by Kate White.  I ordered the book from Half.com and haven’t gotten it yet.

I am not sure I mentioned this book to you guys, but I got this book for Tommy that has 260 weekly developmental Activities from Birth to Age 5.  We have been doing those.  The book is called Slow and Steady Get Me Ready by June R. Oberlander.  This weeks activity involved crumpling newspaper, Tommy LOVED THAT!!  He wants to do it all the time now.

Well I am of to read a sentence or two and fall to sleep mid sentence!  LOL!  night all!!    

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