Tommy update……….
Today wasn’t much better. Today involved changing his clothes at least 5 times. He puked a number of times, all over Daddy each time. He still doesn’t seem to be feeling too well. I think he has taken care of the constipation today. But the teething will be a problem for a bit yet. He is usually so good, so it is difficult when he cries all day, you just feel terrible for him, since you know this isnt’ how he normally is.
On the interesting note, I have to share this. I think maybe Tommy is sorta signing milk?? He has done it three times now and today it seemed like he was doing it again. So maybe this signing things isn’t a total waste. LOL!! I haven’t introduced any other signs, but might start a few others since he seems to get that the sign and the object are associated. I think I will start trying to sign eat and drink (for his cup). I have to remember to have Paul let Bonnie know about the signing since Tommy is going there two days a week to be cared for. Tommy is at my SIL’s daycare center for about 8 hours a week for the next month, since Paul has a day class.
Well I am off to fold my last load of laundry and go to bed. I have a feeling I will be getting up a number of times tonight. Unlesss it might finally be Paul’s turn????