Paul and I debated alot about going to Families First tonight. Tommy had been screaming all afternoon, even when you hold him. We decided we would go since it was the last class and the Pastor was coming in to play the guitar and sing and Tommy love music.
Tommy was wonderful at church. He really loved the music. He was bouncing and laughing up a storm. He even enjoyed the ice cream social and I did give him one little taste. I know….but he liked it!
We were so happy we went, he really seemed to be so much better and he had a great time. When we got home, he started crying again. ARGH!!! Can we please stay at the church all night!
He is having a bottle with Daddy right now, so hopefully he will take his evening nap. Next week the people from the class are taking their kids to the Hugo Animal Farm, so I am not sure if we will take Tommy or not. It really depends on the weather and you never ever know about that in Minnesota!
We did sign up to be in the Families First program next year. It really has been an enjoyable class with great families. We have met a lot of others from the congretation, which has been so great.
Thanks for droping by my site!
I hope Tommy finally settled down for you last night. Maybe he just wanted some more ice cream.