We are back from Families First. Tonight we discussed a book, Keeping Your Family Together when the World is Falling Apart by Dr. Kevin Leman. A timely topic for me since I am working very hard to make my family and especially my spouse first in my long list of priorities. It was an interesting discussion, Dr. Leman focuses on Reality Discipline with children, which is alot of what we already do.
1.. The whole is always more important than the parts.
2. Have values, and live by them.
3. Always put your spouse (not the kids) first.
4. Balance responsibility with forgiveness and love
5. Stick to your guns.
6. Keep responsibility where it belongs.
7. Treat people like persons, not things.
8. Use guidance, not force; action, not just words.
9. Be consistent, decisive, and respectful of your children as persons.
10. Hold your children accountable for their actions and help them learn from the experience.
This did bring up a lot of discussion, but I had to leave the room, since the teacher brought Tommy down to me as he was screaming and they couldn’t calm him. This is his new thing, Mommy leaves the room, scream!! He would scream if I went to the bathroom today. ARGH!! I know it is only a phase, but it will be trying I am sure. He burped a couple of times and I walked the halls with him and he calmed down. I kept him with us in the parent discussion group the rest of the night.
So we are dealing with a little separation thing going on. He does fine at home as long as he is in the same room with me. Tonight I had to get some mangoes made into babyfood and he sat contently in his highchair and watched and played with a big spatula.
Well Tommy is with Daddy, so I am going to finish up here and wash dishes and walk on the treadmill a bit. I joined the shape up challenge at work and I have been doing pretty good about exercising. I did a little bit this morning, but need to walk on the treadmill yet today. Maybe I will even lose a few pounds. I am having a terrible time dropping the last 10 pounds or so of pregnancy weight.
BTW, my thesis advisor had a lot of revision and additions for my thesis. ARGH!! I need to work hard on that the next few weeks again. I will be mailing it to her with revisions in two weeks. ARGH! Ok, but enough about that, it entirely messes with my balance! I can’t stress right now about it, I just have to come up with a plan.