
Good morning.  Well I need to be in the office early this morning, so I thought I would just drop a quick note to say hello.   Today looks like a fairly easy day.  I have to do alot of paperwork at the office, and have a meeting at two to see how we are going to cover the cases of a co-worker who is on medical leave.   I hope I don’t get too many new cases, I am finally getting caught up on my own.  Well at least closer!  

Tomorrow is my day to work at home. I was hoping I would be able to go and pick up my thesis from my thesis advisor, but she hasn’t returned my call.  Otherwise I guess I will just spend my time writing service plans, a never ending job. 

I also have to make meals with the remaining Turkey since Tommy didn’t let me do that last night.


Yesterday was a pretty good day at work.  We had a training in the morning about attitude at work, etc.  It was called Fish training, it was about how a fish market in I think it was Washington, changed their work environment for the better by having a shared vision and having fun.  Throwing the fish, etc.   So the message was Play, Choose a good Attitude and remember the Vision.   After the training we had pizza, always a good thing.  The rest of the day was just working in the office.

I did try to call the University of MN to schedule for Tommy to be a part of the infant study on recognition and memory.  I didn’t hear back from them.  I still have one question regarding the experiment, so I will need to speak to them.

Tommy learned a new trick last night!!!!!!   I love all his firsts!  He loves to have you help him stand up so he can bounce.  He ALWAYS wants to be standing up.    Well yesterday he figured out that if you move your feet forward while you stand you can move across the room.   So Mommy has to hold him up while he walks all over the place.   He walked all across the room three times, Mommies knees where not so happy about crawling everywhere helping him.   He thought he was so cool!  We will have to try to take a video of it!   Paul got a computer program to make our videos into Mpegs, so we can have them on the Internet.  I can’t wait to do that!   So then everyone can see Tommy walk too!

The rest of the night Tommy was sort of clingy and wanted Mommy to hold him the rest of the night, so that is what we did.  He didn’t want to go it the swing, bouncy car or on the floor.  Just hold me and entertain me.   I always get alot done on those nights!  I did manage to go through the size 18 months bin downstairs and pull out a few summer things for Tommy. 

MORE breaking news!!!!!!!!  My hubby fixed the downstairs toilet!!   Yes you heard right after the downstairs bathroom being non working for almost a year, he FINALLY fixed the toilet so it is usable.  Hmm…only took a year.  Now I plan on painting the downstairs bathroom so the boys have a nice bathroom. 

Hubby also did laundry so we are getting close to getting caught up.   I will do a few loads on Wednesday when I am home and we should actually see the floor in the laundry room again. 


We are having the neighborhood garage sale on May 17th and 18th.  We have 6 families all signed up for sure.  So that is better than I thought.  I hope to make this an annual event each May.  I still have a lot of marking to do.  I also have to go through my clothes and a few other rooms in the house.   I have to go through Tommy’s dresser and remove all size 6-9 months, since he is in size 12 months now for sure.  I might as well sell the 6-9 months as well.  I hope this neighborhood sale is a great success.   I really really hope my mom can come of the week so I can actually pull this off.  My SIL Julie will also be doing the sale with me, so she will be around too, but so will her children.  That could be interesting.  Yes, sometimes I think I am just insane! 

Well it is getting late, I need to get in the shower and head to work! Have a great day!!

This is as age in which one cannot find common snese without a search warrant.   – George F. Will

One thought on “

  1. I love the firsts too… they are so fun. My favorite first happening right now is the Potty training…yeah! lol

    Good luck on getting ready for your Garage sale, it a lot of work getting all your stuff ready for one of those.

    Enjoy your day!

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