well my cooking weekend has gone ok. I have not gotten as much as I wanted dine. but that is ok. I made two kinds of soup with turkey. The two pots made 8 meals worth of soup. Which is now in the freezer. I have about 20 cups of turkey meat that I will work on using up tomorrow night. I decided to watch two movies with Josh and Hubby instead.
We watched AI and Domestic Disturbance. They were both ok. I will need to probably do up the plums into babyfood yet tonight.
We had my inlaws over last night and they really enjoyed supper. The seafood fettucine was not the one I thought, but was good all the same.
Not much else to chat about tonight. I hope to head to bed early tonight so I can read a bit. I haven’t been sleeping well since my asthma is acting up and I can’t lay down and still breathe. I love allergy season!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!
Later all….can’t wait to get around and read about all your weekends!
Gosh you’re industrious!! Wish I was like that.
Gosh you’re industrious!! Wish I was like that.
That’s a whole lotta turkey!!