I need the help of some of you fabulous cooks out there. I have two turkey’s and two hams in my freezer that I need to do a cooking session with. I need ideas of meals to prepare with each that freeze well.
I usually make Split Pea and Ham soup, Scalloped Potatoes and Ham….would love another ham soup recipe and something else.
For the Turkey, make Turkey soup, turkey pot pie, and Turkey Divan. I want to try another reicpe with Turkey too…..
My freezer is getting pretty empty except for babyfood, so it is time to get some meals made for the family since Ham and Turkey were on sale at Easter time!
All idea greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!
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Chicken (or Turkey) Tetrazzini
3 cups cut-up cooked chicken (or turkey)
3 cups chicken broth (or 4 bouillon cubes and 3 cups of water)
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 – 10 oz package frozen peas
2 – 4 oz cans sliced mushrooms (drained)
1 – 10 oz can cream of chicken soup
1/2 cup slivered almonds (optional–but adds a nice taste and texture!)
Parmesan cheese
5 oz spaghetti (2 1/2 cups) broken in 2 in. pieces
Put all ingredients except cheese and spaghetti in Crock-Pot. Cover and cook on Low 6 to 8 hours. Turn to High last hour, stir in dry spaghetti; cook until tender. Serve sprinkled with cheese. Serves 4.
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Chicken Cheese Lasagna
King Ranch Chicken
are both very good made with turkey instead of chicken.
I posted some ham ideas last week. I’m not real good with the ham as we usually don’t have any leftover.