Minnesota weather….how weird it is!!   Just two weeks ago on April First we were having a blizzard.  We received 9 inches of rain and there were car accidents everywhere.   Today, just a mere 14 days later……….temperatures in the high 80’s.  Everyone breaking out there shorts and enjoying the sun.  LOL!!   You got to love it…you never know when you wake up in the morning if you should get out the long johns or bikini………

Fine day today…Tommy is doing well.  Heard from the Dr and the radiologist doesn’t believe Josh’s collarbone is broke, only severely bruised.   So he no longer needs to wear the figure 8. 

I need to head to bed.  I want to look through a few cookbooks to gather the recipes for my two major cooking sessions coming up.  I have to wait till it cools down again to cook that much.  This coming weekend it is suppose to be in the 50’s again…good cooking weather.  I need to stock up the freezer with some meals with summer coming, nice to just put something in the microwave instead of heating up the house trying to cook something.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Monday…and got your taxes all mailed off.   I did manage to pay my bills tonight, but have already mailed my taxes, even before the deadline…..WOO HOO!!!  Flylady was badgering me about it………………

5 thoughts on “

  1. …your daily adventure starts as soon as you get up in the morning….humm, is it winter or spring?
    …what do you mean “cooking sessions?” Do you cook a lot then freeze? In reading your posts and recipes you must be a good cook (talent plus developed skill). I would love to be a good cook. I can’t seem to get by the failures to any level of success. Your family is very, very lucky. MuSe

  2. …PS: have you ever thought of setting up a small neighborhood cooking school? Hope you’re in my state or the surrounding states – I’d be there. MuSe

  3. Oooh, I can’t wait to see what you’re going to cook!  I am in a rut and it’s time to go through the cookbooks again for some new ideas.  Of course, it’s going to have to wait until I get home from my trip. 

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