Morning…. yes, it is O dark thirty and I am up. ARgh….I didn’t sleep that well. Actually I take that back, I slept fine until hubby comes to bed. I went to bed hours before him so I was sound asleep when he came in. He flicks on the hall light, which shines in my eyes and wakes me up. He is blowing his nose…wakes me up again. Argh…..he is hacking nd coughing, wakes me up again.
I know the reason I sleep so poorly is of him. Argh….I wish I was a sounder sleeper, but since the baby was born, I am such a light sleeper. Which is interesting since I never have to get up with the baby, he sleeps through the night since December.
Ok…I am done whining, I better hit the shower, I need to be on the road by 6:50 at the latest. I hate early morning meetings. I think that is the only thing I hate about being a kid social worker is that all the school like to have meetings before school. Are they crazy??????
As you can tell I am NOT a morning person!
I can sooooo relate to the dh preventing a decent night’s sleep. Fortunately, we have a spare bedroom that I’ve take up residency in. And I am not a morning person either, nor is my daughter or my stepdaughter. Needless to say, mornings can get pretty ugly here. LOL!! Hope your day only got brighter.