Yesterday was a good productive day of working at home. I completed three plans and one transfer. So that was good. I think it will work to continue to work from home on Wednesday, since I am getting a good amount of work done.
Families First was fine last night. We talked about a book called Boundaries with Kids: when to say say yes, when to say no to help your children gain control of their lives, By Henry Cloud. It was in interesting discussion. But I was a bit at a loss maybe it was because we have already gone through the toddler/preschool stage with Erik and Josh, but other parents had boundary issues that we don’t have. But then again we are fairly strict, we have rules and they have been rules for years, end of subjest. My kids don’t push the boundaries, like having pop for breakfast…etc.. I want to read the book though.
Next week we are discussing a book called Letters from a Skeptic by Gregory Boyd and Edward Boyd. This is a book that is actually letters back and forth between a father and son regarding questions and struggles with Christianity. I have ckecked it out from the library and I hope to get most of it read by next class. We will see. I am already reading a book called Epecting Adam, by Martha Beck which I am enjoying. I hate to put that aside, but I guess I will need to.
The last few nights I haven’t read at all, I simply get to bed and fall striahgt to sleep. I have been so tired!
Well time to get Tommy up and dressed. Paul just took Josh to school as he overslept and missed the bus. After the baby is up and fed for the day I am off to work at the office. I just got an email that I have a new case waiting for me when I get there. The work is never done.
But hopefully by having these Wednesday days at home I will get caught up on plan writing. Have a great day!!!!!!
I’m glad you had a productive work day at home.
One of the reasons you probably don’t have some of the issues other parents are dealing with is that you’ve established boundaries from the beginning and were consistant with them. Children crave boundaries and when applied with love and consistency, more times than not you have a happier child.