Hello…just a quick hello before ER. I can’t miss that! But I will pay my bills while I watch…so I won’t be totally unproductive.
Busy day at work, I worked late since tomorrow morning I will be coming in late as Tommy as ECFE class.
Hubby and I just got back for Sam’s Club…I got a great deal on some veggies for Tommy. 5 Pounds of Carrots for 1.98…that should make alot of cubes of babyfood. We also bought avacados (which Tommy likes), pears, bananas and yams. They had mangos but I wasn’t sure at what age to introduce those, but I looked and I can introduce those at 6 months so I will go back and buy those. So I guess I will be spending some time this weekend making babyfood. I love providing him with healthy good food! We sure are saving a lot of money compared to buying the jars.
Not much else I guess…I need to get my bill stuff together and get ready for ER….ENJOY!! Chat at ya Tomorrow!
I’m so impressed you are making his food! Good job!