Good Morning………..

Today is my day to work from home, hopefully it goes better than it did last week.  Tommy was crabby last week due to teething.   My SIL called last night and is dropping Kristen off during nap time so she came dome something or another.   Hello, folks, I am home and working…….like being at my job.   So we will see howthat goes, if I am not able to get stuff done, this will be the last time she will come over when I am working. 

It is enough for me to take care of Tommy.  Let’s see, what else is new around here.  Not much…work, taking care of the kids.  I was able to get some laundry put away last night and a few other things.  Tommy was actually in a pretty good mood.  Tonight our Families Frist Class starts up again.  I missed our class over holy week.   And Friday we are back in ECFE, which we haven’t had for like 2 weeks.

Well Tommy is crying, I guess it is time for my day to officially begin.   (Gulping diet Mt Dew to wake up!). 

One thought on “

  1. Isn’t it amazing that sometime people think simply because you’re at your home you’re available to do anything.  Even though I’m not employed, there are times I am busy doing work for band or whatever and it’s really work, not sitting around twiddling my thumbs waiting for someone to give me something to do.

    I hope you are able to get some work done today.  Enjoy Families First tonight!!! 

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