I have a crabby baby today….hard to get much of anything done. He wants to just be held all the time. I actually have him laying in his crib and he is watching his mobile, which he seems to be enjoying for a while. Hopefully it will last long enough for me to blog and check my mail.
I have another dance costume to sew for my neice Chelsea. I have to have it done by Tuesday…ARGH!! So I know what I will be doing tomorrow night.
*ARGH…Tommy is starting to fuss again. ARGH!!
This week the developmental activity we are working on with TOmmy is awareness of fingers by singing “Where is Thumbkin?” We sing that in ECFE too, so he likes it.
OH yeah..I have to tell you about church today…LOL!! Palm Sunday today so all the little kids, were lining the pews with Palms as Jesus rode in on a donkey. Well the donkey went a bit wild in front of the chruch and started bucking and stuff. Jesus had to really hang on!! That was a very quick entrance and exit for the donkey. The good thing is no one was hurt, but it was interesting.
THink he’s teething? J got like that right before her first tooth sprung up! 🙂