Hello all!!!!!!!!!!!

No I haven’t dropped of the face of the earth, just feels like it!  I typed a entry on Thursday night, but it got ate and I didn’t want to retype!  So here is a quick update on us all……………

Gee…can’t even remember, what we have been up to.

Last weekend was our kid weekend.  We went to see the Easter Bunny and made a snowman outside.  

Josh had his Choir concert at school on Tuesday, it was very nice.  Tommy was very good during it, I was worried about that since I had to go alone with him since Paul had class that night.

Wednesday was the start of my MSSA (minnesota Social Serivces )conference.  It lasts three days so that is a busy time.  Though I didn’t attend on Friday as I took the day off.   It was a fun conference all the same.

Thursday was Erik’s School conference, which was ok.   I always hate going to those…..ex-wives, there should be a law.

Thursday night I checked into a hotel to work on my master’s thesis in peace. I could never get any of it done at hime with the kids all here and stuff.   I stayed over two nights and got a lot done!  It was a very nice time, but I really missed Paul and the boys.


Tommy has been a busy little man, he started eating cereal a few weeks ago.  He likes it and is eating well.   He is rolling over from his back to his tummy.  

The funny thing was on Tuesday Paul called me at work and said “I don’t want you to be upset,  but I was in the bathroom shaving and Tommy was laying playing with his gym in the living room”.  My mind is racing, what happened to my baby!!!!    “When I came out he was on his tummy, he had rolled over and didn’t let any of us see.”

It wasn’t until a few days later he let me see him roll over….now you can’t keep him still!!  He loves giving kisses and is so much fun.

I just got finished making out first attempt at making our own baby food.  I made a number of cubes of Yams and avacados.   I will let Tommy taste the Yams tomorrow.   We will see how that goes.    I still have peaches, pears and bananas to try, but they weren’t ripe enough.

Well I am off to clean up the kitchen.  Have a great night!

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