Hello?? Hello??? IS this thing on??? Where is everyone, did you go off and get lives on me. ROFL. Seems like everyone is pretty busy.
I slept in this morning a bit, I needed that! I feel a bit better. It has been a busy week, with me working 12 hours on Monday and 8 on Tuesday. I am hoping today will be jsut a normal day.
Tonight we have Families First class, I have no idea what the topic is or if we have a speaker. thursday night the Pastor is coming over to visit. He is going to all the homes of confirmation students to meet them. That should be interesting.
Joshua watched Tommy last night for us while we ran to Target. It is so nice to have a child old enough to care for the baby so we don’t have to drag him out in the cold weather. We have been so lucky with Tommy really not getting sick at all this year. He has never ran a fever or had an ear ache. I think it really helps to not have him in daycare.
I bought a box of baby rice cereal last night, so I think in a week or so I will try Tommy on cereal. I am still concerned he is not drinking enough formula.
Well nothing else new around here, in the xanga world, I was saddened to hear about MomMom2EandJ’s dog Gracie. I really feel for their family and hope Gracie is better soon. My thoughts have been with them. My brother’s dog was ill and it was so very hard on him. The dog had a nuber of strokes and couldn’t walk hardly, and my brother would carry him up and down the stairs, etc. This was a large dog, too.
KimmiesMommies hectic time with the fiddler on the roof is winding down. I have been getting tired just reading her blog, but I think it is so wonderful how involved she is with her daughter. the love she has for her is so evident through her blog. *smile. It is nice…
Welll wishing everyone a great day!!!!!
Hi there. Thanx for the positive thoughts. It means a lot to us. Gracey has only thrown up once today so that makes me feel like there’s a chance she’s getting better.
Have fun at Families First. I’m anxious to hear what the topic was. Have a good day!
…you’re absolutely right about day care. Day care is a breeding ground for all things sicky!
Awww, thanks for the nice words.

It’s nice to sleep in every now and again, isn’t it? I napped today in between loads of laundry. Sleep – it’s a good thing.