Just a quick hello before heading off to work, and I think I hear my little man waking up as well. 

I received my first Chapter a Day mailing today.  It was enjoyable to read while I had my breakfast.  I usually read the paper and stuff online while I eat and my by morning Diet Mt. Dew….yeah I know, not great nutrition, but I need caffeine and I can’t stand coffee.   So pop it is!  I had a bagel too!

The book this morning was  .  I will probably check it out at our library if it turns out to be good.

Tommy is up and having a bottle with Daddy.  I got his dressed this am and actually have him in size 12 months.  ARGH…I went through the 12 months box yesterday and some of the clothes are fitting him great.  I can’t believe he is 4-1/2 months old and wearing size 12 months.   I don’t think much of the summer clothes we have are even going to fit him.  ARGH…we got alot of summer clothes size 6-9 months as shower gifts, but I think that those won’t be worn at all.  So I guess I will be heading to Once Upon A child (OUAC) to outfit him for summer soon.

We picked up this toy for Tommy at OUAC yesterday, it has been hours of fun already.  He really likes watching the balls bounce and he tries to touch them.  It is really cute.  But then I am his mom and I think everything is cute!! ROFL!

I am off to shower and head to work.  I actually have a late meeting tonight so won’t be home until probably after 7:00.

0 thoughts on “

  1. Sounds like Tommy is really growing.  I think Kimberley was in 12 months clothes by the time she was his age or maybe a few weeks later.  I know she never matched up with the sizes according to her age.  She was only able to wear 3-6 months for about a week after she was born.  LOL!! 

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