This morning we attended our first ECFE class.  Tommy enjoyed the class.  He played at the doll station, the tent station and the water mat one.   He enjoyed circle time and they sang one of his favorite songs from Families First. 

Tommys here today….
Tommys here today
Clap your hands and
Clap your hands
Tommys here today

Yep, that is Tommy’s favorite song!  There are a number of babies in the group probably about 10 or so.  Paul enjoyed it too, until a mom or two had to breast feed their babies.  LOL!!  He was a bit uncomfortable.  The ladies were not, they just fed their children and kept talking to us.  LOL!!   Paul is so funny! 

Ok, here is the new recipe I tried this week.  We had it of or supper tonight.  Everyone seemed to like it, so into our family cookbook it will go.


3 Cups (12 oz’s) Shredded cheddar cheese, divided
1 package (10 oz) frozen chopped broccoli, thawed and drained
1-1/2 cups cubed cooked chicken
2/3 cup finely chopped onion
1-1/3 cups milk
3 eggs
3/4 cup biscuit/baking mix
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper

In a bowl, combine 2 cups cheese, broccoli, chicken, and onion; spread into a greased 10-in. pie plate.  In a small mixing bowl, beat milk, eggs, biscuit mix, salt and pepper until smooth.  Pour over broccoli mixture (do not stir).

Bake at 400 degrees for 30-35 minutes or until a knife inserted hear the center comes out clean.  Sprinkle with the remaining cheese.  Let stand for 5 minutes or until cheese is melted.

—     QUICK COOKING March/April 2002


I ordered the book Slow and Steady Get Me Ready from Amazon.  I received it today.  I has 260 weekly developmental activities from birth to age 5.

Tom’s activity for the week…..I thought I would share this since a couple subscribers have children the same age and are looking for activities for their babies as well. 

WEEK 20 (Tommy is 20 weeks today)

Hold your baby in your lap and encourage the baby to watch as you place your hands together.  Move your hands apart and them together again.  Repeat this several times so that the baby is aware of what you are doing.  Continue to do this as you say “Pat a cake, Pat a cake, a baker’s man.  Bake me a cake as fast as you can.  Roll it and pat it and mark it with a (B), and put it in the oven for Baby and me.”

Repeat this several times and observe the baby.  Does he appear to be interested?  Does he attempt to clap his hands to play pat a cake?  If not encourage the baby to copy the pat a cake hand movements.  If you substitute the initial letter of the baby’s name and use the baby’s name in the rhyme, he may listen more attentively.

You may need to gently hold the baby’s wrists and assist him.  With practice the baby will play pat a cake spontaneously. 

Remember that babies enjoy and need much repetition. 

This activity develops

  • more of an awareness of hands

  • listening skills

  • an awareness of rhythm and rhyme

  • observational skills

We have been playing this with Tommy for a month already so this isn’t anything new for him.   But he doesn’t clap on his own or try.  He likes to hang on to my wrists as I clap.

Well I am off to spend the evening with the family.  Play with Tommy and just relax.  Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend planned. 

My niece just called and is confirming the time to baby sit tomorrow.  She will watch Tommy from 2:00 until like 6:00 at the latest.  Then she has another sitting job at 7:00pm.  Busy gal!

2 thoughts on “

  1. Have a great date and a great weekend!  Too funny about Paul and the breastfeeding.  My dh would either stare *UGH* or be uncomfortable, too, I’m sure.

  2. …glad the class was everything you wanted it to be. Now I wonder why Tommy’s is the favorite song of Tommy? just being silly
    …thanks for the recipe, I made a copy of it. Was the bisquit predominate? Too thick?
    …have a good weekend. Be well Be blessed. MuSe

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