
Sorry I haven’t typed at you in a few days here.   Just tired, stressed and busy.   Valentine’s Day was nice…Hubby and I made supper together.   Erik was jumping up and down when he found out what we were having!  He loves shrimp, crab and lobster. 

Tip for the day!! A tip for anyone that loves to eat crab legs, but hates the work of cracking the shells, etc.  We discovered the best thing for the kids is a pair of Fisker school scissors.  This way they can do their own and we actually get to eat.  Hubby and I eveen switched to using the scissors since it is soo fast and easy!!   

The kids enjoyed their goody bags and books.   After our feast I played a couple of hands of uno with Erik and then Josh and I played Cribbage.  

Today, Hubby stayed home with Erik, since he didn’t have school and Tommy.  I was off to work.  YUCK!   They went to the library and Erik checked out some movies about dinosaurs and books about rocks. 

Tonight for supper we had creamy alfredo seafood pasta.  I bought a jar of the 5 brothers sauce and added the leftover crab meat to it.  The kids really liked that a lot! 

Tommy is growing soo fast!!  I need to go through his dresser again this weekend.  He is needed to move up to size 6-9 months now.   He also was crushing his bouncy seat when he sat in it.  LOL!!  It was really funny.   He is weighing in at about 18 pounds right now.  I went to Once Upon A Child (gently used kids stuff) and bought him the infant to toddler rocker fo $14.00.  Sort of like the one below…………

He sits in this one fine and enjoyed sitting in it while we ate supper.  It doesn’t have the toy bar, but that is ok.   It is big enough for him at least!  It vibrates like his other one, so that is nice. 

Tomorrow I am going to try sewing Tommy some towel bibs.  We got some great ones as gifts, but I can’t find them in the Toys R US anymore.  We really use them alot, plus they wanted like 7.00 a bib.  Excuse me???  I do sew so this isn’t a huge stretch, but I don’t have a pattern for these I am just making it up.  I also found some nice Winnie The Pooh towels on clearance so I will made hooded towels out of them.  WHEW…plus I promised I would try my hand at making this chocolate cheese cake recipe we saw.  Hmmm….should be interesting.

Monday since it is a holiday I don’t have to work!   Paul is taking Erik and Josh to the Science Museum so Tommy and I will be spending a quiet day home alone.  I am soooo looking forward to that.  I hope to have all my chores done so I can read my book and new magazines all day Monday!

0 thoughts on “

  1. We have that chair because Brandon was crushing the bouncy seat too.    BUT, at 10 months, he’s already figured out how to squirm out of the seatbelt, which freaks me out.  So, for now, I’m letting my almost 3 yr old use it—she’s only 26lbs, so there’s no danger in her breaking it.

  2. We have that chair and both kids still love it (though I no longer put batteries in it! LOL) – at ages 4 and 18 months.  It surely was/is worth the money!!

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