Hello everyone! I just finished visiting all your sites. I don’t always comment, but I feel like I missed something if I missed a post on a favorite site. It is like missing a phone call from a Friend or something…..
Whew! I am sure glad it is Friday! I have been working a lot of hours and bringing work home. Last night I worked on some reports/budgets until almost midnight. I hate that…I want to spend my evening with Tommy and everyone. Tonight Tommy is a bit cranky. He is all ready for bed, Daddy is feeding him right now.
CUPOJAVA – your crazy if you think *I did the art project with Tommy…it was those brave Families First staff! LOL!!
Speaking of Families First I wanted to share a few of the things we have been discussing. We discussed recent article in Parenting titled “The New Way to Treat Ear Infections” since one of the boys is having trouble and having tubes put in. Interesting article.
We have also been discussing a lot about organizing, clutter and stuff like that. We briefly discussed Julie Morgenstern’s book Organizing from the Inside Out. We actually are hiring a professional organizer to come teach a class.
This Wednesday we had discussed a book called Train Up A Child :Giving the Values That Last A Lifetime by Rolf Zettersten. The values are pretty obvious, but nice to rethink and reflect on. The nine most significant values we can impart to our young are:
1. Love and Obey God
2. Love Others
3. Be honest
4. WOrk Hard
5. Be committed to your family
6. Respect your elders
7. Attend church
8. Avoid Materialism
9. Pray and worship
The class on values ran over, so there wasn’t a lot of time for discussing about the values, etc. I think it could lead to some good dialogue.
KIMMIESMOMMIE – this is for you! I had two tips that I discovered the other day that I found really helpful. But I have a feeling one won’t be much help to you and one I bet you already know….(you should have told me though)
Tip #1 – Do you waste money on fresh herbs to cook with and end up throwing 1/2 of the chive or parsley whatever out?? I do and I read that you can cut to the herb and freeze in ice cube tray. I did this, I filled each section of the tray with a tablespoon of the herb and add water to fill and froze. I have great cubes of herbs now in freezer bags and ready for cooking!
Tip #2 – This is a baby tip….but very helpful for me! Does your baby get that scaly skin (cradle cap) on their heads? This can be especially bad in the winter months, plus their heads are growing so fast. I find this really gross, always have, cant’ stand it. Tommy gets it a little bit only, but I didn’t like it. The baby books say to put baby oil on it and then wash their heads, well that wasn’t getting it off really. OK, finally here is the tip. Mix about 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with enough baby oil to make a pasty liquid. (great terms, eh?) Rub this on baby’s head in the offending spots. The baking soda works like an abrasive, and gets the stuff off, and doesn’t hurt or bother baby’s sensitive skin.
My roll of film in the camera is all used up time to take it to get developed. Do you know what that means?? Tommy pictures galore!!! LOL!! You have been warned!
Well I am tired, I am off to bed…..have a great weekend!
Happy 15 weeks Tommy!!!
And can you share some organizational tips with us after your class? I sooooo desperately want to be organized but I really don’t know where to start. Is that book worthwhile?