Argh…this is the second time I am typing this so it will be abridged.  Explorer had a error while I submitted and lost the whole thing.  I hate when that happens. 

Evening All!  Tommy has decided to head to bed early, it is 9:14 and he is down for the night.  So what a great night for me to head to bed early as well.  I hada terrible time getting up this morning so I could use an early bedtime. 

Today was a fine day at work, I was out of the office at homevisits.  I also stopped at Kid R Us and got some great outfits for Tommy on clearance.  I got a number of summer rompers for him and they were only 2.50 each.   The big store in Burnsville always has great end of the season sales.  30-70% off.  I am the queen of clearance.  I still need to find him a winter jacket for next year.  I am going to go to Mervyn’s this weekend and check their clearance.  If I buy the jacket now, I get it sooo much cheaper than buy it next year.

Let’s see….today Tommy and Daddy went to the library.  Paul had reserved a CD called Chicken Soup for the Little Souls that he wanted to check out for Tommy.   He also picked me up a book called Super Baby Food.  We plan on making our own baby food for Tommy.  I had a number of friends do this and they said it was so much better tasting and cheaper (there I show my thriftiness again).  

Tonight we went to the Families First Class with Tommy.  He was the only baby in the class.  The next yougest had recently turned 1.  But it was a nice time.  First we had circle time.  Tommy enjoyed that the singing, dancing and musical instruments.  He loves to hear people sing, he was all smiles!   Then it was separation time, but I brought Tommy with me as I knew he would fuss,  he had already started actually.  He was fine during the parent education time as well.  There was a rocking chair in the class room so I could rock him and he fell asleep for 1/2 of the class.  Class was sort of a introduction time, ice breaker .   We did talk about intuition and our children.  About following what we *know about our children, as we know them the best.  It seemed like a real nice bunch of people.  So I think it will be enjoyable to continue to attend that classes.  It is nice to meet more people from the church as well.  We don’t seem to meet that many people since we jsut come to Sunday service and then leave.  It is such a big church. 

Well Tommy is actually still sleeping so I am off  to crawl in bed and read about making baby food

0 thoughts on “

  1. I made Kimberley’s baby food when she was a little tyke.  She much preferred it over the jarred stuff with two exceptions – sweet potatoes and bananas.  She didn’t want the “real” stuff of either of those choices.  But I think it made the transition to table food much smoother since she already had a taste for it.  I’m sure the book you’re reading will tell you this, but ice cube trays are great for freezing small portions.  Good luck! 

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