ok…I don’t gripe a lot, but here is my major one.  It is sure difficult being a blended family, not it is hard to love the children.  It is very hard to co-parent children with ex’s.  Especially when both ex’s parent different than us.    I can’t stand that both my oldest and my stepson can’t find a single thing to occupy their time unless they are either watching TV or playing on the computer.   “I’m bored, otherwise”

Today I almost was at the edge of going to their rooms and packing up all their toys and donating them to someone who would play with them.   Erik has toys from Christmas he didn’t even open.   All he wants to do it sit in front of the TV.   Doesn’t his Mom ever have him do anything else in life.  The kid has seen every single movie on Disney and can tell you what is on next.  I don’t even know what 1/2 of these shows are, no make that 3/4.   No wonder the kid has been struggling all his life intellectually.   When will anyone catch on, never because it is never their fault now is it. 

I make a point of having some organized activities on the weekends all the boys are here.  Last night we played board games….tonight we went to a cousins b-day party.  Tomorrow afternoon we are watching amovie together with popcorn.  I am ok with TV if we are watching one movie together, not just Erik just sitting in front of the screen not interacting with anyone.   Gee people, do you suppose that is why his vocabulary and everything else is delayed???? DUH!

Now as for my oldest…Joshua.  He is very intelligent, and very good at programming computers, but that doesn’t mean you can sit in front of a computer screen 24 hours a day.   Today I let him be on for about 2 hours, then I said, no more for the day.

The most difficult thing in this all is my hubby.  Of course he will say this is not true…etc.  But let me tell you IT IS!!  The man is one the computer many hours a day.  I try to limit myself to about an hour a day.  And that hour is spread out throughout the day with a majority of it being after the kids are in bed.   if my hubby isn’t on the computer he watches TV…get a hobby or complete some project!   Yes, dear our toilet *Still doesn’t work in the basement.  Yes yes yes…I know you forgot about it.  I could list soooo many more things…but why you get the drift.  And if I mention this issue to my hubby….oh he will go on and on about how *he can’t *do anything or have a hobby!   He never gets to do anything.  Hmmmmm….don’t get me started!   Hmmm…I msut admit I am not home with him during the week as I am at work, but he is on the computer when I leave in the morning and he is there when I get home.  I am sure he feeds tha baby occassionally and uses the bathroom thorughout the day….ROFL!!!  But of course he will say different…and the house, well I must admit the laundry is sometimes done…I jsut would be a beter stay at home parent.  And of course I would because I am the very anal Monica ( see previous freinds quiz)!  Have a been complaining enough yet???

So how do you tell your son, that you can’t just sit on the computer all day, when he sees his Dad doing that.  And Josh so looks up to my hubby and wants to be a computer guy just like him.   ARGH!!!!  Sorry, I am going to continue to limit it.

Tomorrow if Erik tells me once he is bored, I swear I am packing up all those unopened toys and giving them to good will!    Also he gets so engrossed in the TV that after lunch I had to tell him three times that we were having dessert now.  Next time I am saying it only twice, than he can go without.  

I truly think 1/2 of the problem is my hubby.  I feel he is so unsupportive when it come to this issue.  He goes well it *is winter, what do you expect them to do???  DUH!! Play????  Gee, I never had a computer to use all the time and I got good grades in school.   I even God forbid, developed a hobby or two that continued into adulthood.   Something I could have in common with a mate.  My sons will only have a mate, if they don’t mind being totally ignored or are obsessed with computer and TV. 

Tommy is going to be in for a rude awaking.   He doesn’t have another set of parents, only us.  And haven’t get to go to another house and have an XBox after his mother said no more video games!!!  Who spends 400.00 on a video game…..where are you priorities.   another DUH!

0 thoughts on “

  1. {{{Hugs}}}

    It’s a tough part of raising any kids these days, teaching them to enjoy the simple things… playing outside or board games… when there is so much electronic stuff that they see everyone else using.  I still don’t know how I’m going to handle it when my girls get older.  I hope you get everything worked out! 

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