
Well I am home sick today, this cold has gotten the best of me.   I hope to actually finish up my holiday letter today and get it mailed.     I am way behind!   It isn’t my fault I hated the picture I had taken on the boys at Sears, but I can use the one we took at Thomas’s baptism instead. 

Tommy is 10 weeks old today.      He is doing well.  He is sleeping at night for about 6 hours at a time, which is nice.   He seems to be back to normal after his shots now.   We have started signing to him, well at least I have.  My hubby forgets to sign when he feeds him, but that is why we started now so we could get into the habit.  The only sign we are doing is the one for milk.  

Joshua is glad for it to be the weekend!  Having only three days of school this week makes him a happy boy.  Later this month we go to orientation with him at the high school.   I can’t believe it, my boy is going to be in high school next year.  It will be a crying moment for me. 

Erik is coming for his weekend visit tonight, so we will have a busy weekend.  I don’t have anything specially really planned, but will make dessert for supper tonight.  That is always a big treat.  

Last night, my nephew Nick came over.  He needed a haircut.   So I needed to do that.  I have been cutting his hair since he was about 2.   He has a hard time with it.   He hates to have the hair cut by his ears or neck.  He is overly sensitive to sensory things due to his diagnosis of autism.  So last night he was extremely fidgety so I told him he had special super powers.   REALLY????  What are they Auntie??   You have super not ticklish powers……he was impressed and turned on his powers and we got the hair cut by his neck.  He tried so hard not to squirm!   You know he also has super holding still powers too, we had to turn those on too!!!   But we did get a fairly decent haircut in the end.  And of course, at the end he got to pick out a treat.  He picked Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal in a cup.   (they don’t give you good enough treats at the haircut store, that is one reason I have to do all his haircuts.)   He has greatly improved on his haircuts, though it takes a while, I no longer have to chase him through the house or hold him down to do it.  

Always an adventure at our house   You gotta love it!


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