Good Night Xangaland……….

Tonight this lady has to get to bed early.  I am still fighting this cold.  Tommy is off sleeping as are the older two boys.  We enjoyed a very nice evening at home tonight.  We had homemade Mac n cheese for supper (though my hubby prefers Kraft out of the box) and Jello parfaits. 

After supper I did up the dishes and we played some board games.  We played two rounds of sequence and one of Jenga.  It was alot of fun.  It is always great when you can actually get Erik to play a game.  

Then it was time for Tommy’s bath.  He is getting to be quite the splasher.  He loves he water.  Erik supervised of course and Tommy splashed him.

I did manage to get most of my Christmas, which have now become the new Years Newsletters printed out.  So dear family and friends me on the look out at a mailbox near you for the newsletter.  I almost didn’t do one, but I figured alot of people wanted to see pic of Tommy and the boys.  So it is late, but it is for the New Year not Christmas, which deosn’t make it *as late. 

Have a great night and weekend!!!!!!!!

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