
Hello everyone!!  I hope you have enjoyed your holidays with your family and friends.  Life has been a world wind for us since the 16th of December.  WHEW….but things are all calming down now.   That is a very good thing!

On the 16th of December, Tommy was baptized, so we had a house full of out of town guests for the weekend.  It was so nice to see everyone though!  

On the 18th, I hosted a cookie exchange party with the neighborhood ladies.  We enjoyed appetizers and peppermint patty drinks.  We even managed to get all out cookies exchanged. 

On the 21st, we celebrated Christmas with our children.  It was nice and small, quiet and calm.  Tommy was all into it!  Not really…LOL!!      I received a wonderful picture frame (seashells) from my hubby with a picture of the Sunrise on our honeymoon on Sanibel Island.  The inscription said:

Everyday of my life with you is but
another of an endless honeymoon
on a sandy, shell-covered beach. 
Merry Christmas!
I Love You!

Isn’t that lovely.  He is such a sweet guy.  We had a limit this year of only 25.00, but he even managed to get me a set of measuring cups and spoons.  (what I asked for!!)

Erik received a number of GI Joe things for Christmas and really enjoyed playing with them.  Josh received a remote controlled Tony Hawk skateboarder.   I really scaled down what the boys received this year, I think we all have enough stuff!  I wanted them to understand the true meaning of Christmas.   I think they are getting there!

On the 22nd, we hosted Christmas for my hubby’s side of the family.  It was a lot of fun.  My MIL and SIL made lasagna.  The house was full, and the kids all received wonderful presents.  It was fun.  

The next morning we left for the 6 hour drive to my parents home in South Dakota.  Six hours in a car with a newborn.  Are we crazy?????  Yes!!!  Tommy managed the drive well, but when we got to SD he screamed for three hours straight.  I think it is a combination of gas and constipation that was making his tummy hurt.  Needless to say we was not a happy little man.  We called the Dr the next morning and we then started adding prune juice to Tommy’s formula and got rid of the constipation.  Tommy LOVED the prune juice in his bottle.

We stayed in SD for three nights, then headed back to MN.  Again when we got home Tommy screamed for a number of hours.  I think the drive is too much for him or something.  But he is doing fine now!

I saved the best news for LAST!!    TOMMY IS SLEEPING ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!  Yes, you heard right!!!   We are so HAPPY!!!!!!   Last Friday night, Tommy went to bed around 11:00am and Saturday morning, hubby and I woke up and looked at each other in disbelief.   I said to hubby, “Did you get up with the baby last night”.  “Nope” he said.  So of course our minds went to he *must be dead.  LOL!!  So I go in the nursery and look at Tommy.  He looks ok, but I can’t tell if he is breathing.  So Paul goes in and he comes back and says, well I could tell if he was breathing, but his hands are warm.  Of course I point out that he could have just died, who knows how long it takes to get cold hands!!    ROFL!!  

Finally to save our sanity, Tommy made a little noise and we smiled!!  He is ALIVE and he SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!   He has been sleeping great ever since.  He usually goes to bed between 9 and 11 and sleeps until 5 or 8.   

Today Tommy was up at 7:00 am , which is just great!   He had his bottle and is back sleeping again.  He went to bed last night around 11:00.   He is such a joy to have.  

I can’t wait to get home at night from work to hold him.  He is smiling all the time now.  He sees Daddy or I and he smiles, ear to ear.   He is talking and cooing all the time.  I am so enjoying this time with him.   He received the sparkling Symphony Baby Gym from Santa and enjoys batting at the toys.  It is hard to believe he is batting at toys already.  He has been doing that since December 17th.  

Next week Tommy has his 2 month Dr’s appointment and starts his baby shots.  ARGH!!  Paul is going with me for the appointment I know I will cry when Tommy gets his shots.  

Well time to shower and head to work!!   Hope everyone has a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

0 thoughts on “

  1. That was one of the most romantic things I’ve read.  What a guy!!    Glad you had a good holiday.  Now take time to relax and stop running around so much!!! 

  2. I LOVE your news about Tommy!!! Since he is the same age as my little guy, I feel like could have written your blog! The baby is getting fun now, and I was also thinking this morning that I am starting to enjoy him

    Sounds like your holiday was super busy but rewarding. The inscription your husband wrote on your frame is beautiful. Sounds like you are very blessed Glad you had a good holiday!

  3. I LOVE your news about Tommy!!! Since he is the same age as my little guy, I feel like could have written your blog! The baby is getting fun now, and I was also thinking this morning that I am starting to enjoy him

    Sounds like your holiday was super busy but rewarding. The inscription your husband wrote on your frame is beautiful. Sounds like you are very blessed Glad you had a good holiday!

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