Weekend Update……………….
Hello…..well hubby was being nice to me again and didn’t wake me up for church this am. He thought I needed some sleep, which of course I did. I slept until about 11:00am. AAAHHHH…..
Yesterday, Saturday was pretty good. We did some shopping, mind you I am not a person who enjoys shopping and believe it or not, I don’t like to go to the mall. But we went to the Mall of America and I dislike that even more. LOL!! We went to Studio 56 to get our yearly piece for our snow village. Paul wanted to get a piece called “Bringing home Baby”. It had been retired and they didn’t have it at the store. They told us of a gift and drug store that carries Snow Village. We headed there and they didn’t have the piece on the shelf. I asked the lady and she said she would look. She had some she was saving in her office to give as presents for people that had babies. She was so nice and allowed us to purchase one!! So we have the piece for our village, which prefectly represents our year!
We also stopped at Babies R Us and I bought a shirt and a jeans outfit for Tommy. Like he needs clothes……LOL!! NOT! After that we stopped at Wendy’s and grabbed broccoli and cheese potatoes and headed home. It was still early so we decided to try out a new cookie recipe for our cookie trays.
Every year we make about 13 cookie/candy plates for our neighbors and family. This cookie was very good and I think we will be including it. I will post the recipe soon 🙂
Well I best hit the shower and get the laundry done. Then I want to organize and clean the laundry room, it really needs it. Hubby is watching the Vikings game with the baby and then is going to set up our snow village (it really is more his than anyone Christmas).
I also hope to go purchase my last two gifts and wrap everything up! I wanted to be done by December 1st, but this is close enough as long as I am done by the time I go back to work.
Only 4 days and it is back to work……..:( I have a ton I want to get done yet! Time to put it in high gear!
Okay I read that whole thing and all I am thinking is… She got to sleep in??? No fair!
Well, on Sunday I’ll get to cause the kids will be not at my house! 🙂