Today’s World…..
So many times I hear people talk about how the world is now…not like it used to be etc. I grew up in a small town in South Dakota. You would think that is was very friendly, etc…and to some etc it was. But not like the neighborhood I am raising my children in. I think to some extent your neighborhood is what you make of it.
My parents didn’t socialize with our neighbors. I don’t recall ever recall running to a neighbors to borrow sugar or whatever if we were out. Mom sent one of us kids to the store. We never ate at anyone else’s house or got together with the neighbors for any reason.
The world we have made for our children is what I wish I had as a youngster. My hubby is a wonderfully friendly man, everyone’s best friend. IN our neighborhood all the kids will come to our house to play. The other day a neighbor boy got lock out of his house after school, and he came to our house for the afternoon. It is so good to know we have so many neighbors who look out for each others children. The little girl across the street, Sammy (age 4) and her friend come to our house weekly. They will bring over their little cart with an assortment of pretend cakes and cookies to have a party at our house. Mind you I have only boys and the girls come over to serve my hubby and I treats……..they also love the baby 🙂
Many evenings we light a bonfire and as soon as the smoke is in the air friends come to visit. One neighbor may come over with their kids and a pitcher of kool-aid, the other with a huge bowl of popcorn.
If I am making supper and I run out of cornstarch (happened the other day) I can call across the street or a number of other houses to borrow a tablespoon. I love the sense of community that we have….it feels so good in this time and age.
I truly believe these are not feelings that just happen you need to foster and develop them. I know there are people on our street who keep to themselves and don’t put forth an effort and I think it is felt.
My neighbor and I are sponsoring a block cookie exchange for the holidays. What better way to continue to have our community grow and get stronger. We also have an amazing block party every summer.
It takes an effort to make your world better, but it is sure worth the effort. So I say, “say hello to your neighbor and smile”. It will go a long way!