OH MY WORD!! Yes, it is true, it is currently 11:35pm and my darling, wonderful little baby has been sleeping in *HIS CRIB since 10:30. I am sooooo excited I hope I don’t jinx it! He was very alert this afternoon. He must be feeling sorry for me about his staying up till 3:00am last night. He was very awake and alert from 2:00pm till after supper. He loves to lay on the living room floor and stare at the Christmas tree lights. I love the tree 🙂
My day has been fairly mundane today. I did email all of my 13-year old’s teachers to see how his grades are so far this quarter. He tends to not hand in assignments, but of the three teachers I have heard from he has only not completed one assignment. That is good for Josh. He has an A+ in one class, a B- and a C. It is hard to see Josh have a C, but I am ok with it. He is very smart and was in the gifted program before we moved here. He is just soooo unmotivated. Last quarter he got two D’s on his report card and that is just not acceptable. It was mostly due to him not handing in assignments. So hopefully this quarter will be better, otherwise he is going to kiss his trip to his grandparents good-bye this summer.
Today we ran to target for a few things, completed 4 loads of laundry…and I am still not totally caught up. Tonight for supper I sorta invented a meal….LOL!! Hubby always loves it when I throw things together…NOT! I had some leftover meatloaf in the fridge so I made a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese and mixed the chopped meatloaf in it and added 3/4 a can of tomato sauce ((the little ones). I called is cheeseburger macaroni…like hamburger helper kind of thing. Both Paul and Josh liked it. Tommy had a bath tonight and for the first time in a few weeks he didn’t pee or poop in the water….YEAH TOMMY!!!
Well time for me to make out a to do list for tomorrow and head to bed……………it is now 11:44 and Tommy is STILL sleeping in his bed. Do you think it could be possible that hubby and I will go to bed without our little one sleeping between us????????? I’ll let you know tomorrow! Wish us Luck!
I’m glad to hear your little one is sleeping in his cradle tonight!! That’s great!
Ours cried so much last night that even my husband offered to bring him in bed with us–I think he was kidding.
PS-E-mailing your 13 year-old’s teacher is a great thing. That’s the age I teach, and I love communicating w/parents via e-mail. It gets things done much faster, IMHO. Wish you continued success with him, sounds like he’s headed in the right direction
I was a gifted yet unmotivated teenager myself. It sounds like you are doing the right thing. Good job!