Good Morning………………

Hello…I awoke this morning to a lovely dusting of snow on the ground.  It was nice to see as we had just put up the Christmas tree last night and the snow made it seem more Christmasy.  We are suppose to get 6-10 inches today. 

My morning hasn’t been as productive as I had hoped, could that have anything to do with me blogging right now you ask??   of course not…LOL!!

I was up and showered, dressed and stuff by 10:00.  Hey that is good for me, lately.   I am so tired getting up with the baby all night.   Of course right on cue my SIL calls and asks if I will watch her youngest two children while she goes to buy boots for her oldest child.   So I couldn’t vacuum this morning as my nephew (nick) freaks from the noise.  He has autism and this is a noise that bothers him quite a lot.  

So Nick (age 5) and Kristen (2) watched Sesame Street for the morning.   Have you seen Sesame Street lately??   I haven’t seen it in like almost 13 years.  I saw Elmo’s World and he checks his email….LOL!!!   The times are a changing.  Kristen loves Elmo.

Well Tommy is sort of down for a nap so I am going to get started on my major project for today.  I need to take all my maternity clothes out of my dresser and closet and find my regular clothes now that I can fit into them!  

I will check in later this afternoon to let ya know how I have done………………….:)

Someone asked what Flylady is……well it is a motivational kind of list serv to help you get organized.   Some people will laugh at this……Yes, Exclamation, I need to be MORE organized.  I have my moments when I am terribly sidetracked.  I need to be more efficient in using my time now that there is even less of it!!!  🙂

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