Hello everyone…I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!   It is nice to relax with family and friends.  We spent went to my BIL & SIL’s for Thanksgiving.  It was a bit crowded, but very nice.  My Pecan Apple pie was a big hit at the party.  When we returned home my hubby ate most of the remaining pie we had at home.  🙂 

Friday – we (Hubby, Josh and I) all had eye exams and of course we all needed new glasses.  ARGH!!  Big $$$$$, I hate when that happens.  Then we had to get new tires put on the van before we head home to South Dakota for Christmas.  MORE $$$$  I hate those unexpected expenses, kind of hard on a single income family like us. 

Saturday – My sweet little baby didn’t sleep well last night so I was tired all Saturday!!  Saturday evening we went to get our family pictures taken at SEARS.  I have already posted the ones of the three boys together and Tommy’s.  Joshua got ill after supper and has been sick since.   When we got home we got the Xmas decorations out of the attic and put up the tree.

Sunday – Man – Will I ever get to sleep again.  One more night of only 3 hours of sleep and I am going to die!!  Of course our morning consisted of church.  Josh stayed home as he was ill.  The rest of us went to church.    Tommy did well, but started getting a little fussy during the sermon and I had to take him out of the sanctuary for a little bit to feed him. 

When we returned from church hubby and Erik went to the Science Museum to see the Sharks exhibit.     Josh had to stay home cuz he was ill 🙁   Tommy napped and I made a huge sandwich for supper, had to bake the bread in the afternoon.  Really turned out good, so I will post the recipe soon. 

Well it is now about 8:00pm, hubby and Tommy are watching the Vikings game and believe it or not, I am going to go to bed and try to get some rest before the baby comes to bed with me.  YES, he still will not sleep anywhere but in bed with us.   (Don’t tell hubby but it is sooo cute!!)  Tommy sleeps between us and will reach out at us to make sure we are there….funny…..how does he know, he is only a month old.  I decided to cherish the time with him and not beat myself up trying to get him to sleep in his crib or bassinet.  I need my sleep and he sleeps the longest right next to me.

Well my maternity leave is coming to an end, so these next 12 days or so, I really have to get the things on my list done!!   To be honest I have finally let go of my work and am enjoying being home, just in time to return.   I must confess I did check my work email from home tonight, but that is only the second time in 6 weeks.  That is very, very good for me!

Exclamation, you are invited over for leftovers anytime!! He is such a sweety!

Well it seems to be my bedtime. 

BTW, like the new look of the site.  My 13-year old made the banner for me.   I won’t admit here now long it took me to figure out how to add that background…LOL!!   I have subscribed to the premium xanga and I think I will actually fork up the money and keep the service after the free trial is up.  I like being able to share pictures with my family and friends back home. 

Ok, now I really am going to go to bed!!  For once I will make it to bed before my Flylady email tells me to!

3 thoughts on “

  1. I’m new here–just noticed that your baby is about as old as my 3-week old, so we’re still in the sleepless night phase as well!

    Can’t believe your maternity leave is ending so soon already–good luck with your to-do list in the next 12 days.  I’m lucky I’m home for a few more months, although I must say, work looks easy now after the last three weeks  But work AND baby sounds very, very difficult.  Best of luck!

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