Well last night Tommy was up until 1:00 am then he went to bed with me. He slept until 5:00am then got up for the day with Daddy at 9:00am. I caught a few winks until my sister in law came in my room to tell me she bought Tommy a little knottie (the bunnie one). So then I was awake and got up, but it was 11:00 so was about time.
We chatted for a bit than decided to go shopping. Hubby was cleaning up the yard and garage so what better thing for the baby and I to do, shop! I finished up alot of my xmas shopping. I plan on wrapping presents tomorrow and figuring out what I have left to buy. When we got home hubby was done cleaning, we can actually park two vehicles in our garage again.
Than Hubby and I took the baby for a walk since it was so nice out. Of course we decided that eventhough we now have the baby, we are still going on dates the weekends our other two children are with our ex’s. So we went on a date for supper to Red Lobster. Tommy slept most of the time and we enjoyed a nice time having adult conversation.
Since the weather was so nice this evening, hubby (Paul) decided to light a bonfire. He had the neighbors over and I sat out at the fire for a bit with the baby, but then he got crabby. So we came in the house and he sat in his boppy and stared at the pictures on the wall. I finished printing up his birth announcements. I have to get them into the envelopes yet. Then we started our bedtime routine. Tommy had his bath, and my little neighbor (age 4) Sammy helped. Tommy has now be sleeping for about an hour IN HIS CRIB!! (fingers crossed)
Well I best get to bed as we have church in the morning. Hope everyone has a great weekend!