Well our nightly dance has begun. Tommy had his bath, and drank about 3 ounces of formula. He fell asleep and I put him down in his crib, three minutes later he is crying and awake. I let him cry for a bit and try to comfort him while he is in the crib. No luck……………
He is now sitting with Daddy watching TV. I will let you know if he sleeps in his crib tonight, but I wouldn’t hold your breath. He really didn’t nap much today at all. He usually takes at least one long nap and I am able to get laundry and stuff done. But not today. So I am going to blog a bit and then fold laundry and do my dishes.
Yes, my sink will be shiny before bed and bottles washed 🙂
More later on our little night owl!! He is lucky he is so darn cute……………:)