QUICK PREGNANCY UPDATE……..(the neverending saga)

Tommy – our little one on the way. Officially named Thomas George. He is giving me a run for my money. He is making me rethink this idea of having one more after him!!!

At 28 weeks, they finally checked my blood and stuff and I found out I was Anemic and I failed my gestational diabetes test. ARGH!!!! I had to then
have the three hour diabetes test, which I also failed. So then it was off to the clinic to learn now to take my blood sugar levels. By this time I am ill in the morning, dizzy, have terrible headaches after I eat, etc.

So I start taking my levels, 4 times a day. Two Hours after ever meal and checking my ketones in the Am.
The next day we were off to diet school. I learned the times I could eat and what I would have to eat at everymeal. They thought some of my problem might be that I wasn’t eating enough. So they boosted up my calories and my sugar levels got even higher. So the next morning it was off to the endocrinologists office to get put on insulin. OH GREAT!!!

I started the insulin shots yesterday. I feel better, but my levels are still too high. I am not sure what they will do, probably increase my insulin dosage. So I am taking two shots a day. One before supper to hopefully help with my levels after supper (though it doesn’t seem to be working) and another shot at bedtime. So my life is revoloving around blood checks, eating on the plan and schedule and shots. GAWD!! I was home from work all last week very ill before they finally figured out insulin shots were what I needed.

Now I have to return to work on Monday I really hope I can get this so it is managable and still be able to work. I might have to talk to my boss about not having night meetings until the baby is born. I HAVE
to eat around 6:30 and need to have an insulin shot before I can eat, so I can’t really eat on the run. If I deviate from the schedule I get real sick, so if I was away from home and hadn’t had the shot or food, it would not be good. I am really not sure what to do about that.

I never had any of these problems when I was pregnant with Josh. I had to switch from a midwife to DR. we will be meeting the Dr on Monday. They said my pregnancy is now classified as high risk due to the insulin, that has me sort of scared. I sure hope everything turns out ok with the delivery and Tommy!

Tommy’s nursery is all done…..I never had a nursery before and I am truly blessed by the gift my neighbor
gave me. She handpainted the nursery with all kinds of fun things. The theme is Winnie the Pooh, she did
a honey tree with a beehive in the corner. SHe
painted a wonderful bee and ivy border around the room and a few characters (Eyore, piglet and Tigger)
on the wall as well. It is so amazing. Paul took alot of pictures so I will postl them when we get those back.

I can’t think of much else that is new with us, this pregnancy is sort of taking over our lives. Paul attends every Dr appointment with me and gives me my shots. He is great as always. Only 10 more weeks to go or 136 insulin shots, hopefully!!!!

Well I am off to have my scheduled little diabetic bedtime snack and head to bed. Paul just finished
giving me my nighttime insulin shot. GEEZ, Welcome to my new life…………

0 thoughts on “

  1. gestational diabetes… urgh. I’ve heard it’s a hard thing to go through…

    I’m not any authority on any pregnancy issue- I’ve come back to Xanga and thought I’d say hello and good luck. but now it’s time for bed and I need it. so off I go… 🙂

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