Well, little Tommy, has caused alot of chaos in our home. But we are slowly starting to get some of the rooms arranged. Our home has three bedrooms on the main floor. One was our room, and one for each of our children. So where do you put a baby??? So we have been remodeling!!!
We remodeled a room in our basement for our two oldest boys. They are now sharing a room and it is actually going fine. I was surprised. It is a large room and we had it carpeted for them. They have their own bathroom down there, but that is still under contruction and not functionable yet.
The room they boys have in the basement had been our computer room. We moved our computer room upstairs to the largest of the boys old bedrooms. I refuse to allow a computer in the boys room since it wouldn’t be as easy to monitor their computer use.
The computer room is still not unpacked, we have two of our three computers up and running, but our DSL line isn’t working as well in that room.
Today my hubby is removing the wallpaper in the little bedroom. This room will be our nursery for Tommy. My neighbor is going to be painting the room for us. She is doing hand painted murals of Winnie the Pooh, I can’t wait to see it!!!!!
So we are very very busy!!!! Not to mention my hubby’s obbsession with garage sales!!! ROFL!