I have been dealing with sinus infections this month. I have my second one now. ARGH!!! I am on antibiotics again and seem to be getting better. I go to see my allergist on April 26th to see about safe treatment for my asthma during pregnancy, since I have stopped taking my medications since becoming pregnant.
We have bought all the furniture for the nursery. We found a lovely chest of drawers at Babies R Us that was on clearance. It has beautiful carved decorations. We found a changing table at Once Upon a Child (a store that sells used kids items). We bought a glider and ottoman at a furniture liquidator. So the only thing we had left to buy is a crib.
We found a crib last Friday at Once Upon a Child for 65.00 that sort a matched our other things. We are still going to look around for a better one. We went to an Early ChildHood Family Education rummage sale on Saturday and of course found a crib, much nicer for only 50.00. So we had to return the first crib, which we did. Now I have 65.00 of store credit at Once Upon a Child.
I am always a worrier, so I am worried about finances now. I am unsure that we will be able to afford for my hubby to stay home for one more year. He might have to get a job as well as attend school. But I trust that all will be fine, since things always seem to turn out just fine for us.
I hope to type more after our next appointment. We go to meet our midwife on May 8th for the first time. yes, we chose a midwife instead of a Dr. I think this will be a better option for me since I feel like I need a fair amount of support.
You’re right… things always seem to turn out fine in the long run…
Good luck with your pregnancy!
I’m sure all will work out for the best. If it helps you any, know that my own mother worked full time (sometimes 2 jobs), went to college whenever she could, and still managed to raise me almost completely on her own. My father was never around and my stepfathers were useless. She even managed to send me to private schools for 11 years. She’s a chemical engineer in the auto industry now and can always find a way to afford anything she needs. She’s also only 43. So, you’ll be FINE! š
Hope the asthma doesn’t give you much trouble. I had it really bad as a child, but when the docs wanted to put me on daily drugs, mom said no. I get one attack a year at the most now. Have you considered a homeopathic approach? (Of course, do whatever the doc says while you’re preggers! It’s just a thought for after your munchkin is born.)