Our baby had a growth spurt during week 7.  They grew from 4 to 5 mm at the beginning of the week to 11 to 13 mm by the end of the week.  So I think 11 to 13 mm is about .44 to .52 inches.  

Leg buds are beginning to appear as short fins.  The arm buds grew longer and have divided into hand segment and an arm-shoulder segment.  The hand an foot have digital plate where the fingers and toes will develop.

The heart bulges from the body.  The heart has divided into the right and left chambers.  The primary bronchi are present in the lungs.  The cerebral hemishperes are growing.  Eyes and nostrils are developing.   The intestines, appendix and pancreas are present.

As for me, I am still very tired and sleep alot and eat alot.  I am fighting off a cold right now, so that doesn’t help.  I have gained about 2-3 pounds and am still in regular clothes though I love getting into my sweat as soon as I am home from the office!

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