Our baby’s length is now about 3.0 to 5.0 mm — about the size of a peppercorn! The brain has formed three separate parts: the forebrain (memory and reasoning), the midbrain (translates messages from the brain to organs and limbs) and the hindbrain (regulates breathing and muscle movement). At this point the embryo is now three-dimensional and completely enclosed in the amniotic sac.

Our baby’s heart is now beating and blood circulation is evident. The kidneys and liver are growing fast, and the neural tube, which connects the brain with the spinal cord, closed.

The placenta is rapidly developing, however, it will not take over hormone production until about week 12.

As for me, I am feeling pretty good.  I am not having much morning sickness at all.   I am really tired though, so that takes it toll on me.   We are telling our sons this weekend about the baby.   I look forward to their reactions.    I have not entirely figured out *how I will tell them yet.

I felt it was best to tell my ex-hubby before I tell my son since I wanted him to hear from me and not Josh.  I was a coward and did tell him in email, which I know he read, but he never responded to.  I am not sure on how he took it.

I am now 7 weeks pregnant and this week, the baby will double in size.  

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