I need to think of a creative way to tell our sons that we are having another baby. Any ideas??? What do you think???? Something I could wrap as a gift, etc….hmmmmmmmmmmmm
I need to think of a creative way to tell our sons that we are having another baby. Any ideas??? What do you think???? Something I could wrap as a gift, etc….hmmmmmmmmmmmm
never did get very creative about it myself. the news itself is so exciting -though of course my other chldren were very little only 2, or 4 and 2 – and we always just spilled it, guess what? we might be having another baby! from early on in the piece. where the children are older I suppose it is more delicate. the important thing is to keep them in on the whole excitement of the whole pregnancy, that it is their baby too, and yes, focus on them that it is a special gift for them and for the whole family……I’ll be interested to hear what you opt for. Maybe a good pregnancy book where they can follow the growth of the baby(ies!) inside your womb? best gift of all, lots of focus on them, the gift of the baby as theirs
well, if you wanted to shock them, you could put used diapers in their lunch bags with a little note that said “Surprise! Coming soon to a house near you!” *L* well, it’s an idea, I didn’t say it was a good one 😉
good luck!