Loopdeloup – To answer your question, yes, in the US we use a 40 weeks as well. I am actually according to the Dr. 5 weeks along. I will be 6 weeks on Tuesday, March 6th.
This whole week thing confuses me, I mean I know exactly what day I conceived and to say I am 5 weeks means counting the first two weeks of my cycle when I know I wasn’t pregnant. But I guess that is how they do it. So I am 5 weeks pregnant and my fetus is at 3 weeks gestation.
What ever…..LOL!!!!
yeah, that’s exactly it – really its approx. 38 weeks from conception, but as its harder to pinpoint the exact date of that under normal circs, they use the date of the 1st day of the last period, which you can be exact about. damn – i just leant my Sheila Kitzinger book about pregnancy and childbirth to my sisterinlaw (even though its in english and she only speaks spanish – still got good pics) which has a chart of the babies development at each week of existence. good books to have. take care! 🙂
Me too! End of October, here we come! :o)