HURRAH!!! I got a call back on my work voicemail from the Doctor’s nurse. She states that the results of the pregnancy test they took at the office was the same results as I got at home. POSITIVE!!! She said the spotting is normal in early pregnancy and not to worry. They are not sure what my levels are but she said we will talk in the morning and she will start on a plan. Not sure what the plan is….but it means we are pregnant for sure and moving on to whatever is the next stop. As for the spotting it is nearly done… cramping……… I am feeling better……….

3 thoughts on “

  1. *sigh of relief* HOORAY! i mean, still trying not to be too excited here, because as you know all pregnancies are touch and go for the first 12 weeks at least but STILL HOORAY! *does happy dance*

    look after youselves gal!

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