June in Review: School Field Trips, Gardening and Fun with Friends and Family

It feels like summer is speeding by!  Living in Minnesota, our summers are loved but way too short! We have had a crazy amount of rain and a slow start to warm temperatures this year.   V__8814

My hubby’s brother, Pete came to visit from Virginia.  Pete stayed with us for a week.   All our children were home to visit with him.

School ended for our youngest on June 6th.  He completed 5th grade and will be moving onto Middle School next year.   It is always hard for me when our baby passes another milestone.

Tommy’s End of Year Field Trips in June:  Feed My Starving Children and Historic Fort Snelling

One of my favorite things about our little guy’s school is the amount of field trips and learning opportunities that are available outside of the classroom.  I am sure this is due to the small classroom size, but it has been fabulous.   I always recommend Magnuson Christian School to anyone with elementary age children.  Great School!

Feed My Starving Children:

Feed my Satrving Children

Praying over the food they package before it is shipped.

Magnuson Christian School 5th Grade Field Trip to Historic Fort Snelling:


Fun times with our favorite little people, Ryan and Fiona!


Our garden was finally planted after many delays due to rain!! We normally have our garden planted on Mother’s Day.   Our growing season is pretty short in Minnesota so I hope we still have a harvest.


LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!  Can’t believe our youngest son is heading to Middle School next year!


Summer Fun Begins…………lunch with friends and camping.


Wishing you a wonderful summer full of time with friends and family.


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